środa, 15 czerwca 2011

Welcome back!

I must apologize that I wasn't blogging recently, but I was very busy man :(
My small collection isn't small anymore. I've got nearly 100 points of Trollbloods and want to buy more (EBDT & Mulg)!
I was playing some games (but not that much that I would have wanted).

30.04.2011 I attended my first Warmachine/Hordes Tournament. It was 40 points 4 battles. I played:

1. Testament, cavaly, book, Errants, Seneshal, 3-model character unit
FellCaller was shot into pieces but toughed all his deaths. KSB UA turned off Testament's feat. I lost on 3rd tiebreaker, because my Impaler was killed in last turn. The guy won whole tournament :)

2. Xerxis, Cetratii, Nihilators, 2xGladiator, Agonizer, PainGivers
I turned off Spirit aspect on both beasts with blood furied Fenns and Burrowers. Then Madrak killed Xerxis :D

3. pMakeda, Molik, Gladiator, Shaman, Pretorians i Nihilators, PainGivers
I won on 2 tiebreaker (Janissa contested objective), but dice were called down when raged, blood furied Madrak was in Makeda's melee range with 5 fury (earlier he lived of Molik assassination run :P )

4. pDenny, 2 big jacks, some unit, some solos :P two Sirens and Gun Wraith
I didn't know what is going on, and I became too defensive. I lost by scenario...

I ended 6/12 and if I won with Cryx I would have been third! Very good games. I learned a lot!

poniedziałek, 7 marca 2011

pIrusk had been hold off

I've played today with my friend's Khador on pIrusk, Decimator, Doom Reavers, Great Bears, Kossite Woodsmen, Widowmakers and Full WG Deathstar with Kovnik Joe :)
I had:
Grim Angus (*6pts)
* Pyre Troll (5pts)
* Troll Impaler (5pts)
* Dire Troll Bomber (10pts)
Kriel Warriors (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
Krielstone Bearer and 3 Stone Scribes (3pts)
* Krielstone Stone Scribe Elder (1pts)
Pyg Bushwackers (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Fell Caller Hero (3pts)
Janissa Stonetide (3pts)

It was a close battle and it ended with a draw because we run out of time...

I've learned that KrielstoneBearer Unit + UA isn't "so" good against Khador as it will be against for example PoM :( and for sure not with Grim's spread out army. Also the Pyre Troll wasn't making his points - for sure my army lacks some hard hitting creature (Earthborn Dire Troll!) and Burrowers... and KrielWarriors UA/WA :P and so on...

The biggest mistake was in my last turn when I misplaced the Janissa's wall not in front of Grim Angus but a bit to the right. It nearly cost me game. Remember: PLACE THE WALL IN FRONT OF YOUR CASTER !


poniedziałek, 28 lutego 2011

First Defeat...

I'm after my first regular game in WarmaHordes! Unfortunately without Dhunia's blessing my 35 pts. pMadrak force was defeated by OldWitch of Khador :(
On my opponent's feat turn I also feated with pMadrak and advanced him into combat with Deathstar full WinterGuard Unit easily decimating twelve out of fifteen models (sic!) but then he fell to the special feat attacks... I've learned that if you don't consider something like this you can lose swiftly ;)

niedziela, 13 lutego 2011

At least some free time to paint


I was painting Trolls for few days. Currently working on Pyre Troll, but also nearly finished the Moses-Troll and started Grim Angus. Photos:

Please comment ;)

środa, 2 lutego 2011

Counting, recounting, re-recounting...

I've already assembled quite an impressive  bunch of models for Kith and Kriel to fade up with!
  • pMadrak
  • eMadrak
  • Grim Angus
  • Axer
  • 2xImpaler
  • Dire Troll Mauler 
  • full-unit of Bushwackers
  • Runebearer a.k.a. Moses-Troll 
  • Trollkin Champion Hero 
  • Fellcaller 
  • Pyre Troll 
  • 2 Krielstone Stone Scribes
I'm now planning to get the Krielstone Bearer himself, and Stone Scribe Chronicler but also Borka, Grissel and Slag Troll. Not to mention Troll Champions full-unit! Hurray ;)
I know that it lets me with empty wallet and no Burrowers, but there's no other way :P

Also a photo of my Trollloods collection so far:
You can notice two Impalers not yet converted ;)

wtorek, 1 lutego 2011


I have hard time around now, and my schedule is so tight that I don't have time to work with my minis :( After 10th Feb. I'll be more free ;)

poniedziałek, 31 stycznia 2011

niedziela, 30 stycznia 2011


I met new year with another strategy battle game - it's Warmachine & Hordes time! Privateer Press is doing very good job and their miniatures are far better than GW-made...
I've bought already a bunch of models for a discount and I intend to play with them after painting and converting around May/June. That's teh PLAN ;)
